Let me get you up to speed...
I've considered Massage Therapy as a career at several points in my life, but at each of those times it just didn't feel like the right path for me for one reason or another. Eventually I started to feel the pull towards body work once again, but this time it pulled me into a Thai Yoga Massage session. I went in feeling anxious, stressed, muscles tight and aching, and heavy. After my 1st 90 minute session I felt transformed: peaceful and relaxed, I felt the joy in my heart, I felt like floating away. (Thanks Scott, you changed my life that day!) I knew I would not be able to walk away from the calling of Massage Therapy so easily this time. After countless conversations in my head and with my husband, my very supportive and patient husband ; ) about what to do next, I took the leap of faith and enrolled at Denver Integrative Massage School. I started in July, and plan on graduating in December of this year. If all goes well I should have a license to practice Massage Therapy by the end of this year! Until then I have 150 practicum hours to complete, as well as the classroom work, but I can already tell the time is going to fly by. I have been practicing 60 and 90 minutes sessions on clients at our student clinic, and it is such an amazing experience. I am truly loving meeting each person who comes to see me at clinic, and seeing how they are transformed into a more relaxed body and spirit over the time I spend working with them. I feel so lucky to have found something that not only makes others so happy, but nourishes my soul as well. I am so grateful that this has come into my life, I can't even say that enough!
...That pretty much sums it up so far. Now, for the rest of the story...
I'm so excited for you in your new adventure!!